Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Homeowners Annual Meeting and Board Election

...was held Tuesday, May 26. 2009. The newly elected Board is comprised of (l to r) Chris Stec, Nicole Zanon-Tocke, Bruce Phillips, Mark Chavin, and Thomas Preston.

Congratulations to all five board members, and thanks for your willingness to continue serving on the board!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Annual Meeting and Election...

... is Tuesday, May 26, 2009, starting at 6:30pm, and will be held at the Wauconda Public Library.

The purpose is the election of new Board of Directors, and 20% of owners must vote to hold this meeting (by attendance or proxy.)

Proxies are available if you can't make it. Call 847-882-1696 for information or answers to questions.

Liberty Lakes Condo Association Neighborhood Garage Sale

... is Friday, June 12th and Saturday, June 13th, from 8am to 4 pm.

The association will provide the advertising and obtain the village permit. Each association member is responsible for your own sales.

For info, email LibertyLakes@aol.com