Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wauconda Rodeo

Yes, you read that correctly -- a rodeo in suburban Chicago! In fact, it was the 45th Annual Wauconda Rodeo, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. I'd love to show you all sorts of great photos of the events using my 300mm telephoto lens, but the "production company" prohibits cameras from even being brought into the facility, much less used to snap pictures. What bullshit! I did, however, get a shot of the stunning sunset from the stands, using my dinky 2MP iPhone camera...

Featuring cowboys from the International Professional Rodeo Association, we watched steer wrestling, calf roping, barrel racing, saddle bronc riding, and bull riding. A troupe of 8 ladies also performed an equestrian precision riding demonstration. And of course, the clowns were there, too. Again -- I'm sorry I can't show you action shots from the events. I guess you'll just have to go to next year's rodeo and see it live yourself.

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